I worked as an intern in PARAMATRIX and it was really great working here, friendly people, too much knowledge, monthly parties and a lot more to learn as an architect. Frankly speaking i have learnt a lot while I worked as an intern for 5months than I learnt in college for 5years, lol… Working with different kind of projects like Villas, Commercial, Interiors, Working Drawings, Renderings, and had been to couple of client meetings too. A whole lot of experience in the 5 months which helps me survives architecture, a lot to learn in this journey but I would never forget the foundation for my start.
Students think internships is just getting grounded by the firm but, NO, I have never felt like one here, I had a lot of fun as well as a good experience towards work. I wish to thank each and every one of the team for making this period a best one.
-Nitish Varkal

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